function Export-Wmi
Param (
Process {
$CollectionNames |
foreach {
$output = ""
$cmd = ""
$docs = C:\Path\To\Mongo\bin\mongoexport.exe `
--db $DbName `
--collection $_ `
$output += "["
$bfirst = $true
foreach( $doc in $docs )
if( -not $bfirst )
$output += ","
$output += $doc
$bfirst = $false
$output += "]"
$output | Out-File -FilePath "C:\Path\To\Data\$_.json"
Export-Wmi -DbName "reports" -CollectionNames @("coll1", "coll2" )
Monday, June 21, 2010
Exporting MongoDb with Powershell
I'm just going to leave this right here. This fixes up the output from mongoexport to create an array, suitable for XMLSpy...
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Powershell, MongoDB, and WMI
I had reason to write a short cmdlet which converts WMI objects to MongoDB docs. It ain't much, but it works so far:
Hope this helps.
[Cmdlet( VerbsData.ConvertTo, "MongoDoc" )]
public class ConvertToMongoDoc : Cmdlet
[Parameter( Mandatory = true, ValueFromPipeline = true )]
public PSObject InputObject { set; get; }
protected override void ProcessRecord()
Document converted = (Document)WmiConvert( InputObject.BaseObject );
this.WriteObject( converted );
protected object WmiConvert( object obj )
if( null == obj )
return null;
object newObj = obj;
Type objType = obj.GetType();
TypeCode objTypeCode = Type.GetTypeCode( objType );
String objTypeName = objType.FullName;
if( objType.IsGenericType )
return obj;
switch ( objTypeCode )
case TypeCode.String:
return obj;
switch ( objTypeName )
case "System.TimeSpan":
return ( (TimeSpan)obj ).Ticks;
case "System.Int16":
case "System.UInt16":
return System.Convert.ToInt32( obj );
case "System.UInt64":
case "System.UInt32":
return System.Convert.ToInt64( obj );
case "System.Byte":
return null;
case "MongoDB.Driver.Document":
return obj;
if( objType.IsArray )
ArrayList aTmp = new ArrayList();
foreach ( var s in (object[])obj )
aTmp.Add( WmiConvert( s ) );
return aTmp;
if( 0 == objTypeName.IndexOf( "System.Management." ) )
Document tmpdoc = null;
switch( objTypeName )
case "System.Management.ManagementObject":
case "System.Management.ManagementBaseObject":
tmpdoc = new Document();
ManagementBaseObject mbo = (ManagementBaseObject) obj;
tmpdoc.Add( "WmiPath", mbo.SystemProperties["__PATH"].Value );
tmpdoc.Add( "WmiServer", mbo.SystemProperties["__SERVER"].Value );
AddPropsToDoc( tmpdoc, mbo.Properties );
newObj = tmpdoc;
return newObj;
return newObj;
protected void AddPropsToDoc( Document doc, object obj )
foreach ( var propData in (PropertyDataCollection)obj )
doc.Add( propData.Name, WmiConvert( propData.Value ) );
Hope this helps.
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