Saturday, July 25, 2009

Java XML "support"

Like many software projects written these days, I'm finding using XML unavoidable. I'd always wondered why Java programmers always seemed so grumpy about XML, and now I know.

Java XML support sucks.

I'd never really appreciated .NET's support for XML. A few pain-in-the-ass points, but for the most part pretty easy to use. Ruby makes it way too easy, and comes closest to how it "should" be done.

It started with serialization. I need some way to store the state of an object so I can send it over the wire. Java has a built-in binary serializer which works very well. It doesn't matter if the fields are private, or whatever, it'll dump them out and read them back in. A couple of pain points, but pretty easy to use, much like .NET's serialization. I figured that serializing to XML would be just as easy.

I can be so naive.

Everyplace I looked said to use XMLEncoder. Okee dokee, except that the equivalent code doesn't give equivalent results. Do some digging, and it turns out the binary and XML serializers use completely different mechanisms. Now, there's probably some pointy-headed academic someplace who is satisfied that the XML serializer meets some standard. If it means re-writing your code in such a way as to make it more difficult to maintain, then you're doing it wrong. Especially when a not only do competing languages do it in an elegantish manner, but you have an implementation which does it well, too.

You know, the source code is open. Someone with more time oughta look into that.

Anyways, since it all blows so hard, I've got some extra work implementing my own serialization conventions. I've got it implemented about halfway through at the time of this writing. It shouldn't take much longer to finish.

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